On June 25th 2020, the CMAA NorCal Chapter hosted its first webinar on Diversity & Inclusion, organized by the Chapter's CODE Committee.
The CMAA NorCal CODE committee was proud to bring together industry leaders for a town-hall discussion on Diversity and Inclusion. We heard first hand stories of challenges overcome, direct actions to take to impact your organization, and explored the values & leadership we must bring each day.
Webinar recording can be viewed here:
Password: 9k$Qe5*W
Charity Sponsor:
The CMAA NorCal Chapter selected a partner charity, The Construction Industry Workforce Initiative (CIWI), a non-profit whose initiatives are targeted toward young urban adults 18 to 21 years old, and enrolled in a two to four-year college from lower-income households, many that are first generation Bay Area college students.
We are proud to have donated a total of $6,900, with the CMAA NorCal Chapter Matching $3,450 of contributions. This money will directly go to supporting 3 students as they complete their mentor training with the San Francisco Mission Hiring Hall.
If you'd like to get more involved with CIWI's Mentor Program, please contact:
Monica Wilson
CIWI Project Director & Advisory Member
Thank you Sponsors who donated to CIWI
Terry McKellips
Vice President

Lisa Maurath
Senior Vice President

Terry Vayakone
Director Corporate
Development and Strategy
Morgner Construction Management

Bret Firebaugh
Regional Vice President

Shaik Sihabuddin
Senior Project Manager
Gilbane Building Co.

Rich Henry
Regional President

Ricardo Rodriguez
Senior Management Consultant
Tricertus, LLC

Paul Pendergast
Pendergast Consulting Group
Jumoke Akin-Taylor
Project Manager
SF Department Public Works

Oscar Zavaleta
Montez Group

Carla Collins
Vice President
Signet Testing Labs

Cameron Crockett
Placement Club

Dominic Tafoya
Chief Sales
Marketing Officer
VST Engineering